Online Class Notes (Nemo)

Speaking exercise

I like my steak raw 我喜欢生牛排
No, I don’t like my steak raw, I buy it raw.

I like my steak medium rare/medium 我喜欢我的牛排三分熟

Do you like to go to a restaurant?
Yes, I like to go to a restaurant

Today I want to go to a restaurant but mom and dad say NO, we can’t go today
I like to go to a Chinese restaurant

I like to eat spicy food 吃辣的/辣的食物

I go to a restaurant with my sister and my parents

I eat the steak five times a day
How often do you wash your hair per week?
I wash my hair three times a week

How often do you go to a restaurant?

I go around thirty times a month. I go every day-每天



I eat the steak five times a day
I play Minecraft ten times a month

我一个月玩十次 Minecraft

once a month-每月一次
twice a month-一个月两次