Online Class Notes (Nemo)

Speaking exercise

My hampster’s name is Little White, he likes to eat fruits and sunflower seeds and some corn. He is one year old. Last week he broke his wheel. when he plays with runned on the old wheel it was very noisy at night. He was running very fast so he broke the wheel. I bought a new wheel and this one is white, this one is much better and it doesn’t make the sound. Little White likes the new wheel. He likes to eat blueberries, he can eat 4 at once and it takes him 5 minutes to finish them. His paws are blue after eating blueberries. I want to make him a house but I don’t have the necessary materials. The house should have one bedroom, one bathroom and a pantry

Yesterday I got a new dress, my mom bought it for me. I wanted to have a new dress during our Disneyland visit. We will go to Disneyland in 10 days


as opposed to-rather than
I’d prefer to go in May, as opposed to September.

material (n): a physical substance that things can be made from
building materials, such as stone
Crude oil is used as the raw (= basic) material for making plastics.

pantry (n): a small room or large cupboard in a house where food is kept