Online Class Notes (Nemo)


we arrived 7 days ago

How did you feel?

pimple /zit(n): a small, red mark on your skin

wide (adj): measuring a long distance or longer than usual from one side to the other
a wide road
I have very wide feet.

puffy (adj): swollen, especially unhealthily
a puffy face/ankle.

beauty routine -rutina de belleza

before,we were going out quite often, and now not as much


taste (n): the particular things you like, such as styles of music, clothes, decoration, etc.
I don’t like his taste in music.

role model (n): a person who someone admires and whose behaviour they try to copy
modelo de conducta
Sports stars are role models for thousands of youngsters.

look up to (v): to respect and admire sb
Be nice to him. He looks up to you.
Se amable con el. Te admira