Online Class Notes (Nemo)


quarantine (n): a period of time during which an animal or person that might have a disease is kept away from other people or animals so that the disease cannot spread
The horse had to spend several months in quarantine when it reached Britain.
那匹马到达英国åŽè¦è¿›è¡Œå‡ ä¸ªæœˆçš„隔离检疫。

if there are no new cases of the Covid 19

symptom (n): any feeling of illness or physical or mental change that is caused by a particular disease
He’s complaining of all the usual flu symptoms – a high temperature, headache, and so on.
He’s been HIV-positive for six years, but just recently he’s started to develop the symptoms of AIDS.
ä»– HIV 病毒检测呈阳性已有6年时间,但直到最近æ‰å¼€å§‹å‡ºçŽ°è‰¾æ»‹ç—…的症状。

in-law (n): a parent of your husband or wife or a member of his or her family
He’s spending the holiday with his in-laws.

asymptomatic (adj): showing no symptoms of a particular disease
asymptomatic HIV infection
Evidence suggests that many Ebola infections are asymptomatic.
Most people with chlamydia are asymptomatic and do not seek testing.

he tested positive/ he tested negative

positive (adj): certain and without any doubt
[ + (that) ] Are you positive (that) you saw me switch the iron off?
“Are you sure it’s okay for me to use your mother’s car?” “Positive.”
“你肯定我å¯ä»¥å¼€ä½ æ¯äº²çš„车?â€â€œå®Œå…¨è‚¯å®šã€‚â€
“It was him – I saw him take it.” “Are you positive about that?”
“是他——我看到他拿的。â€â€œä½ å¯¹æ­¤è‚¯å®šå—?â€

positive (adj): (of a medical test) showing that a person has the disease or condition for which they are being tested
a positive pregnancy test
He’s HIV positive.
She tested positive for hepatitis.

rumor (n): an unofficial interesting story or piece of news that might be true or invented, and quickly spreads from person to person
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Rumours are going round (the school) about Mr Mason and his assistant.
有关梅森先生和他助手的æµè¨€èœšè¯­ï¼ˆåœ¨å­¦æ ¡é‡Œï¼‰æ»¡å¤©é£žã€‚
[ + that ] She’s circulating/spreading rumors that the manager is going to resign.
I heard a rumor that she’d been seeing Luke Harrison.
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calorie noun [C] (FOOD)
a unit of energy, often used as a measurement of the amount of energy that food provides
There are about 50 calories in an apple.
An athlete in training needs a lot of calories.
This drink can only help you to lose weight as a part of a calorie-controlled diet.
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He found calorie-counting the best way of losing weight.

push-up (n): a physical exercise in which you lie flat with your face towards the floor and try to push up your body with your arms while keeping your legs and your back straight