Online Class Notes (Nemo)


bow (n): a weapon for shooting arrows, made of a long, thin piece of wood bent into a curve by a tightly stretched string

bow and arrows

to win the first place

on the country level

trick-or-treating -an activity in which children dress up as magical or frightening creatures or as characters from a story on Halloween (= 31 October ), and visit people’s homes to demand sweets
go trick-or-treating

If children go trick-or-treating, they visit people’s houses on Halloween to ask for sweets.

beg (v): trick-or-treating -an activity in which children dress up as magical or frightening creatures or as characters from a story on Halloween (= 31 October ), and visit people’s homes to demand sweets
go trick-or-treating

If children go trick-or-treating, they visit people’s houses on Halloween to ask for sweets.

lyrics [ plural ]
the words of a song, especially a pop song
Paul Simon writes the lyrics for most of his songs.