Online Class Notes (Nemo)

Writing exercise

I am toking about sea, sea can be dangerous, there are many dangerous kinde of fish like jelyfish they can kill pepole, and sharks. Sharks has sharp teeth and pointy fins plus don’t let the fish bite you, because if the fish bite you and you will get hurt , and if it is a mean kinde of fish you will die, and so this is all I know but I can still tell you what I know. I know all kinde of fish has different use and that all.

I am talking about the sea, seas can be dangerous, there are many dangerous kinds of fish like jellyfish. They can kill people and sharks. Also, sharks can kill people, Sharks have sharp teeth and pointy fins, plus don’t let the fish bite you, because if the fish bites you and you will get hurt, and if it is a mean kind of fish you will die. and so this is all I know but you can tell me what you know about the sea. I also know that all kinds of fish have different use and that’s all.c\f


stingray (n): a large, flat, round fish with a long tail that has poisonous points on it

coral (n): a substance like rock, formed in the sea by groups of particular types of small animal, often used in jewellery
a coral bracelet/necklace

coral reef (n): an area of coral, the top of which can sometimes be seen just above the sea

wrapping (n): paper or plastic that covers or protects something
cellophane wrapping
The new chairs were covered in protective plastic wrappings.

wrapper (n) [C] (COVERING)
a piece of paper, plastic, or other material that covers and protects something
a sweet wrapper

Scotch tape (n): a brand name for a long, thin strip of sticky and usually transparent material that is sold in a roll and is used for joining together things such as paper or cardboard
a roll of Scotch tape
I stuck the note to the door with Scotch tape.