Online Class Notes (Mike)


Write about the upside and downside of double 11.


walk the dog


immediate (adj.) 立马的,马上的

correct (v) 纠正 – correction (n) 修正,订正
Daisy knows how to correct her grammar mistakes

fancy (adj.) 高档的,洋气的

childish (adj.) 幼稚的

primary school 小学

standardized procedures and regulations

social security 社会保障

commercial insurance (n) 商业保险

invisible benefit 隐形福利

downside (n) 负面,不利的一面
What is the downside of working in a big company?

mobility (n) 流动性
There is less mobility in big companies.

senior level positions
It’s hard for young people to get senior level positions.



social issues

Speaking exercise

Anything I think, i can express to others
I can express anything on my mind.

when I have a rest
When I am not working
When I am off

His classes are like the kind of classes I had when I was in high/middle school

I am not very confident in English.
I am not very confident when I am speaking English.

more like a native speaker

If I don’t have any development in this department
If I don’t see any future in doing accounting, so I can
I don’t see any future in our relationship

My social security is fully covered by the company, also, my company buys a commercial insurance for us.