Online Class Notes (Mike)


recently, we either have class when you are at home or when you are on a trip.

Neither nor

high-end Sichuan food

HK: 3.26-4.6

BJ: 4.15-26

SH: Mid June

circular (adj.) 环形的

experiment (n) 实验

scrap (v) end

interest rate (n) 利率

press conference

hike (v) go up

aggressive (adj.) 激进的



stimulus (n) 刺激,激励

monetary stimulus program 财政/货币刺激计划

IMF: international monetary fund

deflation – inflation

economic stagnation 停滞

disrupt (v)

household (n) family

many were filled/flush with cash

flush (v)

reckless (adj.) 无忧无虑,不需考虑后果的,

norm – normal

curb speculation 抑制投机

rein in = curb = control = manage = limit 限制,抑制,遏制

in- 变大

de-变小, 去除

decentralize (v) 去中心化
decarbonize (v) 去碳化

on the edge/verge of 在…边缘

bankruptcy (n)破产

I’m bankrupt

pump (v) 加油,注入活力

the brake (n) 刹车

screeching halt 让人难以接受的停滞

halt = stop


On March 19, Japan’s central bank ended its latest economic experiment. The BOJ scrapped the world’s last negative interest rate policy, with the first rate hike since 2007. The move ends the most aggressive monetary stimulus program in modern history, signaling confidence that the country is finally leaving behind years of deflation and economic stagnation. How will this massive shift disrupt everyday lives across the country and beyond?