Online Class Notes (Mike)


Think of 3 people in your life who who have the personality traits mentioned in today’s class. Write about them and give relevant/convincing examples. 150-200 words.

For example:
My father is the most opinionated person I know. He …..


fair-skinned (adj.) = light-skinned

slim: model are slim
skinny: people who don’t have good nutrition are

overweight (adj.): negative word
She is not so thin.
She is on the heavier end of normal scale.
He has gained some weight over time.

charming (adj.) = attractive

athletic = sporty

nerd – nerdy (adj.)
He was a little bit nerdy.

gift = talent
gifted = talented
be gifted in = be talented in

He was not a typical manly/macho boy.

graduate school 
master’s degree 

ambition – ambitious

good-tempered (adj.) : even-tempered
He never lost his temper in public.

conservative (adj.) someone who doesn’t want to change

thoughtful: considerate

Speaking exercise

She’s got a slightly curly hair.

I met him when I was in grade 2 in college.
I met him when we were sophomores.
freshman – sophomore – junior – senior

My older daughter is an extrovert.
My little daughter is an introvert.

I have always been a problem-solver in my life.