Online Class Notes (Mike)




wisdom (n) 智慧

judge (v) 评判 – judgement (n)
judgmental (adj.) 审判的,总是评判别人的,苛刻的

(n) 下属
(adj.) 从属的,次等的

single-minded: 一心一意的,坚定的,全身心的
single-mindedness (n) 专心,投入

gradually (adv.) 逐渐地,逐步地

procrastinate (v) 拖延- procrastination (n) 拖延症 – procrastinator 拖延症患者

pro-: support, before, earlier than
prefix (n) 前缀

unless 除非

skimp (v) 克扣,少给
stint (v) 节省,限制,紧缩

sloppy (adj.) 草率的,粗心的,不投入的

to skimp on the job and stint on the materials 偷工减料
sloppy work
jerry-building = jerry-built project 豆腐渣工程

incentive (n) 激励措施,动机

morale (n) 士气,斗志

pep talk (n) 鼓舞人心/士气的讲话
The whole team has a very low morale at the moment, so me as their manager should step up and give a pep talk.

pep (v) 激励,使精力充沛,使充满活力,鼓励
pep up = cheer up 振作

manage (v) 管理 – management (n)

junior staff
senior staff

quadrant (n) 象限

It depends 看情况

phenomenon – phenomena (pl.)

night owl 夜猫子
I am trying not to do a night owl.
I am trying not to be a night owl.

Speaking exercise

He is a socialized person.
He is a sociable person.
He is a people-person. 擅长与人打交道的
He is good with people = He is good at dealing with people.

I just put it away. 
I just delay it to the last minute. 拖到最后关头

maintain relationship with customers 维护/维系关系

How to tackle undesirable tasks? 如何做不喜欢的工作

break sth down 
We can break it down to smaller pieces.

attention span 注意力持久度
A lot of people in the modern time have short attention span.

1. Put yourself in jail.

2. Ask for help.

3. Remember: most decisions don’t require extensive research.

4. Take a baby step: do one thing at a time.

5. Do it first thing in the morning.

6. Protect yourself from interruption.