Online Class Notes (Mike)


wear – wore

hen (n) 母鸡

pantry (n) 储存食物的地方

woods (n): forest

peep (v) 偷偷看,偷窥,瞥见,一瞥

clap (v) 盖上,啪地一下关上

lid (n) 盖子

pot (n) 锅,罐

splash (v) 溅起,泼
(n) 水花

spill (v) 泼洒出来,打翻
Don’t spill it.
Wine spill all over my shirt. 酒撒得我到处都是

sneak – snuck (v) 偷偷地做事,鬼鬼祟祟地做事
sneak out 偷偷溜出去

grab (v) 用手抓住,攥住
grab my arm

towards (prep.) 向…, 朝着
Run towards the east.

whisper (v) 耳语,轻声说
I whispered the password to him.

sneeze (v) 打喷嚏

claw (n) 爪子

handkerchief (n) 纸巾,手帕,帕子

scissors (n) 剪刀

Speaking exercise

The Fox and the Little Red Hen

Once upon a time there was a little red hen. She lived in a little white house, and she had a little green garden. Every day she worked in the house and garden.

Near her home lived a family of foxes. One day Mamma Fox said to Papa Fox, “I want a fat hen to eat.”

There was nothing in the pantry for the baby foxes, so Papa Fox started out to find something for them all.

He ran down the road until he came to the woods. “Surely I will find something here,” he said, but he found nothing to eat in the woods.

As he came near the little green garden he said, “Oh, I smell fresh cake. Oh, I smell a little red hen.”

Sure enough, there was the Little Red Hen eating her cake. Papa Fox snuck up quietly behind her and grabbed her and put her into the bag on his back; then he ran quickly off down the hill toward his home.

The Little Red Hen was so frightened that she could only whisper, “Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Oh, dear.”

Just then she had to sneeze, and when she put her claw into her pocket for her handkerchief, she felt her little scissors. Quick as a flash she took them out and cut a little hole in the bag.

Peeping out she saw a great hill just ahead, all covered with stones. As Papa Fox stopped to rest on his way up the hill, with his back turned toward her, she cut a big hole in the bag, jumped out and quickly put a big stone in the bag in her place.

As Papa Fox kept on up the hill, he thought the bag was pretty heavy, but he said, “Never mind, she is a fat little red hen.”

Mamma Fox met him at the front door with all the baby foxes. “The water is boiling,” said she. “What do you have in your bag?” asked the Baby Foxes. “A fat, little, red hen,” said Papa Fox.

As he held the bag over the pot, he said to Mamma Fox, “When I drop her in, you clap on the lid.” So he opened the bag.

Splash went the boiling water. It spilled all over Papa Fox and Mamma Fox and the Baby Foxes. Never again did they try to catch the Little Red Hen.

One day, the foxes family want to eat fat hen, so their father will go out and catch one. He sees a hen so he catch it.
One day, the fox family wanted to eat a fat hen, so their father went out to catch one. He saw a little red hen and put her in his bag.

The hen use the scissors to catch the hole quickly and she put big stone in it.  But the fox doesn’t know.
The hen was very smart and used her scissors to cut a hole in the bag and then put a big stone in it. But the father fox didn’t notice/know.

The fox go away after then he back home.  Mama fox and baby fox all very happy so they boil the water,  the water are splashing.
The fox went home. Mama fox and baby foxes were all very happy so they boiled water to cook the hen.

They say “When you open the lid, we put it quickly” After that, they put the stone in the wok, they don’t want to catch anything again.
They said: “When you open the lid, we put it in quickly”. They opened the bag and put the stone in. They realized that they were cheated. 

So they don’t want to catch anything again.


home 前面一般不加介词
go home
go to home

go to school