Online Class Notes (Mike)


roll coaster (n) 过山车


conspiracy theory

appall (v)  to shock
I was appalled by what he said.

spokesperson (n) 发言人

fraudulent (adj.)

militant (adj.)
combative (adj.)

coup (n)
to stage a coup

anti-asian sentiment (n) 反华情绪

lip service
He paid lip service to blue-collar workers, but he did nothing to help them.

polarize (v) 两极化
This movie has polarized review.

NATO: 北约

invade (v)
invasion (n) 侵犯

intrude (v)

censor (v)
censorship (n)

content moderation (n)
content moderator (n)

live stream (v)
live streamer (n)

Speaking exercise

People need something to comfort their spirit.

People are indifferent with politics
People are indifferent to

Things were censored on the back end.