Online Class Notes (Mike)


check sth out:
I heard that a new coffee shop opened recently, do you want to check it out?

recipe (n) 配方,食谱

compelling  (adj.) 引人入胜的
engrossing (adj.)非常有趣的
captivating (adj.) 令人着迷的
attractive (adj.) 吸引人的
enthralling (adj.) 有吸引力的

go viral (adj.) 疯狂传播
Liu’s videos went viral.

channel (n) 电视频道

(v) 换,切换
It’s hard for me to switch from Chinese to English sometimes.
(n) 开关

expression (n) 表达

Cool Cat: 时髦的人/女性

comic (adj.) 漫画的,喜剧的,滑稽的

wily (adj.) 狡猾的
He is as wily as a fox.

react (v) 反应
How did she react to the news?

observe (v) – observation (n)
sb’s powers of observation 观察力

sudden: all of a sudden 突然的
All of a sudden the lights went out.
His death was sudden.
He died suddenly.

hilarious (adj.) 搞笑的,滑稽的

entertain (v) 娱乐,搞笑

suck in 陷入
compelling 引人入胜的
engrossing 非常有趣的
captivating 令人着迷的
viral (在网络上)迅速传播的
enthralling 吸引人的
stereotype 成见
refined 优雅的
cool cat 时尚的人
savvy 精明的
get one over on 捉弄
trick 戏弄
wiliness 狡猾
unexpected 意想不到的
majestic 高贵的,有威严的
clunkily 笨拙地
pull a face 做鬼脸
the giggles 咯咯傻笑,笑个不停
fall from grace 失态
meme (用当下流行文化素材配上文字的)自制表情包


I have = I’ve

Speaking exercise

the security said
The security guard said