Online Class Notes (Mike)


Write about the policeman


convenient (adj.) 方便的
instant noodles 方便面
convenience store 便利店


efficient (adj.)高效率的 – efficiency (n) 效率

UAT:User Acceptance Test 用户验收测试

accept (v) 接受 – acceptance (n) 接受度
I accept your apology.

apology (n) – apologize (v)
My bad = My fault 我的错
My apologies 我的歉意,对不起

mistake (v) 误解
I mistook you as Mary.
You mistook my meaning.
(n) 错误 make a mistake 
Everyone makes mistakes at work.

work out 锻炼,健身
workout (n) 锻炼
gym (n) 健身房

detective story 侦探故事

gangster (n) 黑帮,歹徒,匪徒
crime/gangster film 犯罪/警匪片电影

classic (adj.) 经典的,古典的

mini-series 迷你剧

novel (n) 长篇小说

audio book (n) 有声书

audio (n) 音频

narrate (v) 朗读/叙述 – narrator (n) 电子书朗读者
This audio book is narrated by Hannah.

voice actor/dubber 配音员/声优

brave (adj.) 勇敢的

get along with 和…相处
I don’t get along very well with my sister.
I get along with A very well. 我和A处得很好

request (n) 要求,请求

tell (v) 辨别,识别,看出来,认出来
I can tell that you are from SH.
I can tell that he/she is rich.
I can’t tell whether he is gay or not.
I can tell that you are a good man.
I can’t tell whether she is a student or not.

Speaking exercise

I have been work on a new project.
I have been working on a new project.

They will tell me where the sample not good.
They will tell me where to improve. 

We will spend only two hours to work.
We will spend only two hours working.

Every time when there is a crime, his colleagues who are now in higher positions will find him and ask for his help.

He can tell people’s age by how they walk.