Online Class Notes (Mike)


uplifted (adj.) high-spirited 
uplifting (adj.) uplifting 

an acquired taste (n)
Our tolerance for spicy food is an acquired taste.

be accustomed to = be/get used to

cilantro (n) 香菜

repulsive (adj.) disgusting

notorious (adj.)

couplet (n) 对联

ingredient (n)

recipe (n) 食谱

seasoning (n)

latte art (n) 拉花

craving (n) strong/powerful desire for something
I am having a strong craving for coffee.



Speaking exercise

it’s whole-day meeting
day-long meetings
it’s a meeting-filled day.

the company is making the money.
the company is profiting.

the one before my previous company.

north place
in Northern China