Online Class Notes (Mike)

Writing exercise

1. My morning habitual/ritual always involves having a shower.
hectic ritual anxiety habitual
2. Our neighbors are very sociable– they keep popping round to chat!
hipsters relaxation sociable hang out
3. Thanks for finding my smartphone – you are a lifesaver!
lifesaver lifesaving saverlife lifesavers
4. I haven’t seen you for ages, so let’s catch up over a coffee later.
pick-me-up  catch up  stress  sociable
5. For relaxing/relaxation, I go to yoga – it really helps me clear my mind.
relaxable relaxing relaxation relaxed

Dear Tatiana,

Due to the updated Chinese standard of/for sunglasses, I still need to trouble you to provide some information. Please see my question below, thank you.

By the way, the attachment is the Chinese information of Michael Kors sunglasses, as a reference, I used it. I’m guessing a lot of Versace info will be the same as MK since it’s all from Luxottica in Italy.

Hannah Wang

Dear Hannah,

Thank you for your e.mail!
We are checking your kind request with our Logistics, we will keep you updated.
Kind Regards,

Dear Tatiana,
Sorry, is there any news?
Any updates on XXX?/Sorry to be bothering you again, but is there any update on XXX? I need to have it done by Mid-May/The warehouse needs it by May 1st so that they can proceed with the current order. 

Also/BTW, I noticed that there is a mistake in XXX? It should be YYY. Could you update it when you get a chance? Thanks in advance. 

I realized/noticed that we missed XXX/information in our last email, could you YYY?

Dear Hanna,

We are still checking internally and collecting documentation.
We will keep you updated.

Thank you for comprehension.
Best Regards,

Dear Tatiana

028 batch of sunglasses have been imported, I modified the old template of Versace according to the template of the same Chinese hang tag of MK.

But one piece of information is still missing. I don’t know if these styles have impact resistance/Are these styles impact-resistant? If so, which ones are? In China, the impact resistance has 3 levels/degrees, level/degree 1 is the weakest.
I need to know if these styles are impact-resistant? If so, which ones are? In China, the impact resistance has 3 levels/degrees, level/degree 1 is the weakest. 

Also, could you send me the latest user manual for these sunglasses?



ritual (n) 仪式

hang out (v) (大人)一起玩

pick-me-up (n) 提神的饮食/兴奋剂
When you want a pick-me-up, don’t go for coffee, try peppermint oil.

cut in
Sorry to be cutting in, but I just received a message from our CEO, we need to XXX
Sorry to cut in, I just want to mention that …