Online Class Notes (Mike)

Writing exercise

The first time I heard this book was when one of my best friends was reading it and she highly recommended it to me. The whole book is composed of tons of dialogues which between a teacher and his student. My first response was refused because it sounded really similar to The Analects of Confucius (which always appears in our Chinese text book, and now I’m not a student who must learn them word by word and finally don’t need to recite them all… So that’s (the reason) why I resisted it at first.)
After she told me an opinion from the book,I turned to confused.I had never heard such opinions before, and it is totally the opposite of Freud’s, therefor she explained it to me by reading a peace of dialogue from that book. I found that it made sense and suddenly enlightened me a little, then I became interested.
Later I bought that book though I didn’t think I could read it very often and finish it, but I totally changed my mind when I stated to read the chapter 1, moreover, I couldn’t stop pick it up when I was free, and you guess what? I finished it in about 3 days.
I admired the wisdom of the teacher, afterwords, this book became one of my favorite book. It make me think of the opinions nor and then in my daily life and I’d like to recommend it to other people like my girl friend did.

The first time I heard of this book was when one of my best friends was reading it and she highly recommended it to me. The whole book is composed of tons of/countless/numerous/(endless) dialogues (which are) between a teacher and his student. My first response was resistant to it/Initially, I was resistant to it (in the first place) because it sounded really similar to The Analects of Confucius (which always appears in our Chinese text book, and now I’m not a student who must learn them word by word and finally don’t need to recite them all… So that’s (the reason) why I resisted it at first.)

After she told me an opinion from the book, I became confused. I had never heard such an opinion before, and it was totally the opposite of Freud’s, therefore she explained it to me by reading a piece of dialogue/an excerpt from that book. I found that it made sense and suddenly enlightened me a little, then I became interested.

Later I bought that book though I didn’t think I could read it very often and finish it, but I totally changed my mind when I stated to read chapter 1. Moreover, I couldn’t stop reading it/continuing to read it when I was free, and you guess what? I finished it in about 3 days. I admired/appreciated the wisdom of the teacher. Afterwards, this book became one of my favorite books. It made me think of the opinions occasionally/once in a while in my daily life and I’d like to recommend it to other people like my girl friend did.

I can’t help myself to pick it up when I was free.
The book was so attractive/mesmerizing that I could not put it down/away. 


countless/numerous: a lot of

excerpt (n): a part taken out of a book/article. 节选

page-turner (n): books that keeps you occupied,
The Harry Potter series is a page-turner for me.

mesmerize (v) to attract the attention of 迷住
I was mesmerized by this book. 
mesmerizing (adj.):
The book was so attractive/mesmerizing that I could not put it down/away. 

Speaking exercise

This book changed my view on/the way I look at XXX


refuse to do sth/refuse sth

transitive verb: verbs that have to be followed by a noun – bring/take/eat/show
intransitive verb: verbs that mustn’t be followed by a noun – run/rain/die/smile/dine

We dined at 7pm last night.
We dined Pizza 

dine (v)  进餐 – dinner (n)

enlighten (v) to give knowledge/inspiration to enlightenment (n) The Enlightenment Movement 启蒙运动: 

1.(n) when you suddenly feel that you understand, or suddenly become conscious of, something that is very important to you or a powerful religious experience. 顿悟/茅塞顿开/醍醐灌顶: a sudden revelation

insight (n) deep knowledge/understanding of sth – insightful advice/work/movie/book/idea