Online Class Notes (Mike)


Why is life under lockdown stressful for you/people? Give 2 examples  

There are many beverage Nowadays,especially pick-me-up is really popular among people, they habitual buy some coffee or milk tea whey they go outside. If you drink too much, you will wind up fat or insomnia.

Writing exercise

To use QR code paying is a trend nowadays. it takes up everywhere in China and many people use it to buy some stuffs.
Using QR code to pay is a trend nowadays. It is almost used everywhere in China and many people use it to buy things.

Someone who live in shanghai have been stay at home for too long, so some one can get soother from music or so on.
People who live in shanghai have been staying at home for too long, they need something to soothe/relax their stressful life.

There are many beverage Nowadays,especially pick-me-up is really popular among people, they habitual buy some coffee or milk tea whey they go outside. If you drink too much, you will wind up fat or insomnia.

Many people prioritize their life tip from job to raise kid after graduation, and then many young people still choose job as their top priority.
For young people, a good job is their top priority. 


from scratch 东山再起/白手起家/从零开始
I built my own company from scratch.

(v)  复苏,死而复生,复活,复兴
(v) 重新流行
Paintings revived during that time.
The half-drowned swimmer has revived.

resurge (v) 沉寂/消失很久之后的复苏/重新流行,重新出现
The fear for war is resurging in Europe.
Breakdancing is resurging in that country. 

comfort (v) 安慰(精神上的痛苦、悲伤、身体上的不舒服)
soothe (v) 消除/宽慰/缓解紧张的情绪、焦虑、压力

stress out (v) 压力过大
I am stressed out by this task.
This project is stressing me out.
stressed-out (adj.) 压力过大的
stressful (adj.) 有压力的(不一定大)

refreshment (n) 让人恢复活力或提神的食物(点心/糖果/饮料)、睡眠和活动
pick-me-up (n) 提神或让人兴奋的食物(茶/咖啡)和药物(兴奋剂)


stuff (n) – 不可数

thing (n) – 可数


Do you know the names of the people who live next door? Chances are you live next to someone, but do you actually know them? Sadly, the only time we do seem to hear about people’s neighbours is when things go wrong – hearing people say things like they have the neighbours from hell! So, what does go wrong?

When talking about famous feuds with people who live in proximity, you only need to think of the Montagues and Capulets in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Thankfully, most real-life quarrels don’t go that far. These days, especially in cities, many people live in condominiums, tightly packed into apartment blocks. Our neighbours are all around us – so what issues can come from that?

The first obvious cause of dispute is noise pollution. Loud bass pumping through the walls, construction, or people arguing next door can disrupt the harmony of your living space. Asking someone directly to turn the music down can cause you to feel anxious. However, getting someone like a building manager involved to speak to your neighbour and making complaints official can make things more awkward down the line as you didn’t speak to your neighbour directly.

And then what about smells? If your neighbour likes eating especially pungent food, something that offends your nostrils, and that smell drifts through your window, what can you do? Some other common issues include water leaking through the ceiling, pets making noise, and littering from the balcony above you.

And then, if you’re lucky enough to own a garden, that can present even more issues to fight with your neighbour about! This could include hedges and fences that are too high, balls and toys invading your garden or hitting your windows, and boundary disputes over where your neighbours’ land ends. All these can create animosity over time.

It’s not easy living next door to someone, especially if they’re noisy. But having a clear and honest line of dialogue might help. Also, try considering if the things you are doing could upset your neighbours. If it’s something that would upset you, maybe think again.