Online Class Notes (Mike)


lift (v)  to cancel sth
lift a lockdown: to cancel the lockdown, not effective anymore.
What will you do after the lockdown is  lifted? 

time-consuming (adj.)
Building a ship is time-consuming.
Doing an experiment is energy-consuming. 

in-person (adj.) 面对面的
I prefer in-person classes because it’s more interactive.

reluctant (adj.) unwilling
I am reluctant to go to SH because of the virus.

retreat (v) to return, to go back
We lost the war, so we need to retreat to our base.

fire a shot/shots at sth: 对…开炮

fierce (adj.) very strong and intense, aggressive
Berlin was under fierce attacks in WW2. 柏林在二战期间遭受了猛烈的攻击

assemble (v)  to put parts (of a machine) together 组装

motor (n) 马达

exhaust pipe (n) 排气管
The exhaust pipe is giving out/emitting/discharging/letting out waste gas. 排气管正在排出废气

Speaking exercise

I miss my classmates most.
I miss my classmates the most.

-You don’t have VIP?
-Yes, I have VIP

-You don’t have VIP?
-No, I don’t have VIP.

PP bought six worms, however one of them was naughty. And he made a mess and made PP very angry.
PP bought six worms, however, one of them was hiding in the box, unwilling/reluctant to go to PP’s box. And he made a mess and made PP very angry.

Then PP caught a crab. However it turned into a canon and started to chase PP. Finally PP took a boat escaped.
Then PP caught a crab. However, it retreated to its shell and a canon sticked out to fire shots at PP. Finally PP took a boat to escape from the crab’s fierce attack. 

When PP rode a strange white motorbike, and when the MB exploded, PP fell into a hollow tree, the fence fell in front of him and it looked like he was in prison.
PP assembled a motorbike by using fences, two wheels and an engine. When the MB exploded, it blew PP into a hollow tree trunk, the fence fell in front of him and it looked like he was in prison/behind the bars.