Online Class Notes (Maddie)

Speaking exercise

we’ve known each other/we’ve been working together for 5 years.

he really like drink something
he really likes drinking something

i need to think about how many alhocol that i can drink
i need to think about how many much alhocol that i can drink

you know, some time i must follow the rules
you know, sometimes i must follow the rules

young people care a lot about their body health
young people care a lot about their body physical health

it’s a big harm to your body
it does a lot of harm to your body

by that time i can do anything not about work
by that time i can do anything not about but work

maybe in the future i will get something belong for me
maybe in the future i will get something belong for whatever belongs to me/something that belongs to me

think about too much the future
think too much about the future


cocktail: mixed drink of liquor(s) and juices/soft drinks

sake: japanese alcohol

millilitre: measurement-ml

alzheimer’s: a brain disease where people get forgetful etc.

chill/laid back: relaxed