Online Class Notes (Maddie)

Speaking exercise

I think i’m so thin
I think i’m so thin too skinny

I haven’t starting
I haven’t startedng

i have went to a club
i have went to a club when i was at uni

shanghai is one of the biggest city in China
shanghai is one of the biggest citiesy in China

they don’t how to speak local dialect
they don’t know how to speak their/the local dialect

i like Chinese traditional art
i like traditional Chinese art


neutral – neither this or that; something in the middle
e.g. i’ve got a pretty neutral accent.

date: to see someone regularly being in a romantic relationship with this person
e.g. I dated this french guy for a year and a half.

club: a place where people dance to really loud music

hold hands: a way to show affection; have one hand in another person’s hand
e.g. they were holding hands when they were talking along the street.

consonant: s,p,t, d, g, m, n etc, but not a, e, i, which are vowels.
e.g. each consonant has to be followed by a vowel in Japanese. for example, ice cream becomes aisu kurimu in japanese.

dialect: a variety of an official language
e.g. the dialect of this region sounds nothing like mandarin.

tone: the way certain sounds are pronounced
e.g. there are 4 tones in Mandarin and 5 in Cantonese.

musical instrument: something you play to make music
e.g. i don’t play any musical instruments.

stand-up comedy: a form of comedy where performers stand on the stage

composer: someone that writes music
e.g. beethoven/mozart was a great composer.


familiar: fuh-mi-li-uh, stress on the second syllable.

colleague: ko-lee-g

ancient: en-shen-t, not an-sen-t

say: sei, not see