Online Class Notes (Li)


Write a short paragraph to practice reporting statistics from the tipping culture video


gratuity – tip

sit-down restaurants 

eat in/dine in

tipflation – the amount you tip has increased

the brunt of – the main force or effect of a situation

ex. Service workers at the brunt of the COVID pandemic.

tipping point – the point at which a change or an affect cannot be stopped

ex. Americans have reached the tipping point of their tipping culture.

entitled – to feel you have the right to do or have anything you want

ex. After some point, some businesses felt entitled to add tips to every single transaction.

Speaking exercise

They will give the waitress some money

They will tip the waitress

The way people think about tipping and normal prices.

The way people think about tipping versus adding extra tax to menu prices.

People thinks higher prices is expensive and they didn’t think tipping are expensive.

People think higher menu prices are expensive but they don’t think that tipping is expensive.

There’s less service involved at coffee shops and when picking up takeout food.

Because they surely not give me any services that I enjoy.

Because they have not provided any service to me.

But if I go to a sit-down restaurant in the US then I would tip the servers.

Because of COVID, people who go to sit-down restaurants have dropped. 

Service workers would earn more and they start to feel entitled to the extra tips they were getting.

They increased the range of tipping.

Before people left tips in jars and they didn’t feel pressured to tip as tipping was completely optional.

Generally tipping is less/not favoured by consumers. 17% are tipping less due to inflation. 60% want to do away with tipping. However, just 10% are happy with tipping more.