Online Class Notes (Li)


hang back – stayed back

ex. After class, I hung back to talk to the teacher.

get along with sbd – to be on good terms with sbd

ex. Alexa and Britney get along most of the time.

compromise – to take a step back so that two people not in agreement can solve a problem

ex. Alexa and Britney found it hard to compromise with each other so they stayed mad at each other until the next day.

guilty – to feel bad about sth that you’ve done

ex. Alexa feels guilty when she saw Britney get in trouble.

fuming – very angry

ex. Alexa was fuming when she got home so she decided to not give Britney her notebook back.

Speaking exercise

There are very good friends but sometimes they argue.

Britney wants to play soccer so Alexa didn’t want to play with her.

Britney wanted to play soccer while Alexa wanted to play on the swings, so they got into an argument. 

Maybe she feels a little bit sad.

When it was time for lunch, Alexa found her teacher and she told the truth to her.

They don’t agree on what to play at the playground.