Online Class Notes (Li)


curve – smooth round shape or line

ex. Sloths have curved claws.

invisibleimpossible to see 

ex. Sound waves are invisible.

jaguar – a large, brown, wild cat with black spots that lives in Central and South America

chef – a cook

Speaking exercise

It’s animal that moves very slow.

They just like that.

It’s true that they look like that.

Because their head is very round.

They don’t know who make burger so there are four people make them.

They don’t know who invented the burger so four people are known to have come up with this dish.

People think there is another man do make the hamburger. A man go to a restaurant and he is very hungry. He wants to eat a delicious food quickly, and the boy put meat between two tasty bread and it’s very delicious.

People think there is another man who invented the hamburger. A man went to a restaurant and he was very hungry. He wanted to eat a quick, delicious meal, so the chef put meat between two tasty/pieces of bread and it’s very delicious.


tongue – tung