Online Class Notes (Li)


brand loyalty – when customers come back again to buy the brand’s products

brand ambassadors – people that represent the brand

devoted – very loving or loyal

ex. Young people are devoted to their celebrities.

impressionable – easily influenced

ex. Young people are highly impressionable and an easy target for advertisers.

censorship – to ban anything that is not socially acceptable

protest – when you go out to voice any disagreements you have over something

ex. Fast food lovers would definitely protest in public if these ads were banned.

manipulate – control or influence

ex. Ads try to manipulate people’s minds.


browse/surf the internet/social media

Speaking exercise

A lot of people like to use phones and social media.

Many people enjoy browsing/surfing on social media.

I think it can be more effective because it can be easier to spread.

spread the ad wider

spread the ad further/circulate the ad

Some countries like UK and Chile, they banned ads. But, US didn’t because People believe that they should be able to decide what they eat/they should have the freedom of choice. 

First, I think this is very attractive, and more people will wanna eat junk food. Their health may become worse/may be compromised. And, the government want to protect the teenagers and their health so they ban the ads.

People are not that reliable to fast food.

People are not that reliant on fast food.

It says that many experts say that the way to ban the junk food ads and the craving of junk foods is ourselves.

It says that experts believe the way to ban junk food ads and our junk food cravings.

You can control yourself to…

You can prevent yourself from..

If you get out of this software

If you exit/quit this software