Online Class Notes (Li)

Today we focused on:

Practice communicating your thoughts/ideas/opinions


untouched – not touched

ex. VR opens opportunities to many ideas previously untouched in the gaming world.

virtual reality/VR – an artificial environment which is experienced by wearing a headset

VR headset – the device you wear to access virtual reality

immersive experience – the idea where something visual can convince our brains that it’s real

ex. Many activities that incorporate VR provide an immersive experience to everybody.

headlines on the news – the heading/title

surroundings – environment

ex. If you want to try VR, you need to be in a open surrounding.

Speaking exercise

It do not need that much place and we have more space to plant and also like the farm needs a lot places to plant.

It does not need that much space and we have more space to plant. Also, the farms need a lot of land.

Playing too much

Playing for too long 

Spending too much time 

Make sure there’s enough space for you

Limit the chats online

Knowing how to spot hurtful comments, racism and so on 

First it may cost some physical injuries. Also be careful with your surroundings.

First, it’s very real, it’s like you’re in that world.