Online Class Notes (Li)


pollution – making land, water, air, etc, dirty and unsafe

ex. Factories make a lot of air pollution.

pollute – verb

ex. The air quality is really bad today because the air is polluted.

survive – to stay alive

ex. Animals will try to blend in with the environment in order to survive.

adapt – to change to live better in an environment

ex. Some animals adapt well to the cold weather because they have thick fur.

camouflage – sth that protects an animal from getting hunted by other animals

ex. Rabbits have white fur in winter which acts as a camouflage in the snow.

stand out – to look very clear, obvious

ex. Plants want to stand out to attract insects.

Speaking exercise

I still in SH

I’m still in SH

These days Japan says the river is dirty things

Recently, the river in Japan is polluted.

I got a phone call 

I didn’t go to anywhere

I didn’t go anywhere  


adapt – a-dept