Online Class Notes (Li)


how long? – time

assignment – a job/task that you must do

erupt – to begin doing something (ex. shouting and clapping)

ex. The students erupted

groanto make a deep sound because of pain or some strong emotion 

ex. The kids groaned when they were given extra work to do.

ex. I got up and groaned in pain.

cougar – a mountain lion

attribute – a good quality that someone or something has

ex. His best attribute is his kindness.

ex. What do you think is your best attribute?

react – to behave in a way when something happens

ex. The firefighters reacted quickly when they heard the alarm.

ex. All the students reacted badly when they received extra homework.


Because we are grade 5

Because we are in grade 5

Speaking exercise

The Little Red Riding Hood found the wolf and he make friends with the wolf.

The Little Red Riding Hood meets the wolf and becomes friends with the wolf.

Their assignment is to pick an animal, do some research on it then explain the reasons for their choice.

Our human is the

Humans are higher up on the food chain.


groun – grown

koala – kuala