Online Class Notes (Li)


assembly – a regular meeting you have in school

rehearsal – a practice

ex. My friends have to go to school early for the rehearsal.

test format – how a test is structured

chat bot – a robot that you can chat with

prompt – instructions

ex. “Write a 3 paragraph essay on robots” is a prompt.


on – for days/dates

cut wood into a shape

Speaking exercise

in the Fridays afternoon

on Friday afternoons 

We write something to it

We ask it a question 

My deskmate’s writing, at first it’s not very good.

My deskmate is not good at writing, so he used ChatGPT to help him.

He got 80 for his writing.

If we let all kind of things to the computer

If we let the computer do everything for us 

Writers writing is different than what ChatGPT or computers write

The way writers write is different from the way computers/AI write