Online Class Notes (Li)


followersomeone who supports and is guided by another person or by a group, religion, etc.

follow – to go after or behind someone or something

ex. The girls followed me to the kitchen to get some food.

ex. The cat followed us to the store.

inspiration –  sth that gives you an idea to create or do sth

ex. Where does the inspiration for this design come from?

ex. Her early childhood provided inspiration for her first novel.

prod – to push with your finger

ex. She prodded me awake.

drawings – pieces of art

spy/v – to watch secretly

ex. Tony agreed to set up a camera to spy on the fairies at night.

Speaking exercise

The drawings keep disappearing.

Four fairies put the drawings.

Four fairies steal the drawings.

They want to find who take the draw.

They want to find out who took the drawings.

They see four fairies to take their draw.

They see four fairies take their drawings.