Online Class Notes (Li)


I can’t feel my legs – when you walk all day and your legs are too tired

piggyback – a ride on someone’s back and shoulders

ex. One of the teachers gave me a piggyback on the way back.

old town

individual work – work alone

pair work/we write/work in pairs – in groups of 2

tip-toe – to stand on your toes

ex. The kids tip-toed to their room to avoid getting in trouble.

natural selection – when evolution occurs to better adapt to the environment

genetic drift – when changes take place due to random chance

Speaking exercise

The people are more and more than the dates that we go there.

There were more people that went on the dates after we arrived.

Go downstairs

Go downhill 

I was look at a video

I watched a video

They need less than 40% oxygen than what most of us need. 

They live at the high place and they don’t have more oxygen so to survive, they will evolve healthier lung.

They live at high altitudes and they don’t have enough oxygen so to survive, they will evolve to need less.

They can protect the people.

Lighter skin helps them to absorb more sunlight.