Online Class Notes (Li)


sore throat – pain in the back of your mouth

symptoms – signs of a disease

ex. Everyone experiences difference symptoms when they get COVID.

crustaceans – all shellfish-like animals

ex. shrimps/crab/lobster

petri-dish – a circular plate that you can find in the lab

extract – take out

ex. Scientists can extract cells from a cow to make lab grown meat.

oat milk

imitation meat – the umbrella name that includes plant-based/lab-grown/artificial meat

good/bad reputation – the common opinion that people have about someone or something

ex. Veggie meat had a bad reputation when it was first available in public.

texture – the feeling of food in your mouth

ex. Plant-based meat can only replace actual meat if the taste and texture are right.

Speaking exercise

1) Insects have a lot of protein

2) It costs less to produce insects

Maybe it’s good, maybe it’s juicy and disgusting. I think if I can eat an insect burger I may try to eat it.