Online Class Notes (Li)


dew – drops of water that you see outside at night on trees or grass

spring clean – to clean a place well in spring

get some fresh air – go outside to breathe air

ex. It smells so bad here! Lets go outside to get some fresh air.

groan – to make a deep sound to show that you’re unhappy

hamper – a large basket

ex. Sydney picked up the clothes on the floor and put them in a hamper.

ex. You can put these fruits in the hamper.

evidence – something that is used to show that something is true/something happened

ex. The bird’s footprint is used as evidence to show that the bird messed up the pie.

possibility – something that might happen/might be done

ex. The kids think that one possibility is that the cat ate the pie.

redo – do again

ex. Mum will make us redo it if we don’t do a good job at cleaning up our bedroom.


make the bed

Speaking exercise

They need to do clean their bedroom.

They need to clean their bedroom.

Tidy their bedroom fastest

They had a race to see who can tidy their bedroom the fastest.

Mum makes a pie and we are very happy. We open the oven and see the pie. Then the pie is not very good.

Mum makes a pie and we are very happy. Then we open the oven and see the pie. But, the pie has been messed up.

They don’t want mum think it is them do

They don’t want mum to think that they messed up the pie.

They think a cat do it

They think that the cat did it

They have a good idea. They talk to their mum. There’s a bad bird to make a pie mess.

They have a good idea and they talk to their mum. They think that there’s a bad bird that messed up the pie..


dew – due

mystery – mis-ter-ree