Online Class Notes (Li)


world cup – international football tournament

hula hoop – a large circular ring that people spin around with their stomach

sacrifice/1 – when you offer a person/animal to the gods

ex. The team captain was sacrificed as a punishment when his team lost.

sacrifice/2 –  when someone gives up his life for sth/others

ex. He sacrificed his life to save others.

sacrifice/3 – to give up sth to do sth else/for some other things

ex. I need to sacrifice my weekends to have class.

leather – animal skin

military – made up of soldiers

ex. A long time ago, the military played football to keep in shape.

keep in shape – stay healthy

ex. It’s good to exercise frequently to keep in shape.


race – running/swimming

tournament/competition – team sports

Speaking exercise

You have to get the ball through a stone hoop.

They are very pain

They are in a lot of pain.

Due to the lack of rules 

Because there aren’t any rules

Football is a formal sport and there are a lot of rules.

Football is a formal sport which has lots of rules.

The students came together to draft/come up with/make 11 rules

People can’t hand in the ball, it was strict.

People couldn’t handle the ball because it was strictly disallowed/not allowed.

They also finalise the size and shape of the ball.

It become a formal football tournament.

It became a formal football tournament.