Online Class Notes (Li)


15th century – 1400s

20th century – 1900s

21st century – 2000s

tip-toe – to move while standing on the tips of your toes

body’s needs – what your body wants ex. rest/tired/hungry

ex. Listen to your body’s needs, you need to get some rest.

get injured – get hurt

ex. She got injured while practising ballet.

required to do/learn – need

ex. What are you required to do if you learn ballet?

terminology – words/phrases used in a subject or topic

ex. Ballet terminology is mostly in French.

choreographers – people that come up with dance moves

Speaking exercise

They need a lot of training every day.

They need to train a lot every day.

They must drink a lot of water and they need to listen to their own bodies and resting.

They must drink a lot of water and listen to their bodies needs and rest well.


ballet – ba-lay

athletic – af-le-tiks