Online Class Notes (Li)


vote – tou piao

ex. I voted for the boy because he does homework quickly.

student president – student leader of the school

class president – leader of the class


If + I + were      I + future tense

If I were tall I will be able to sit at the back of the class.

Speaking exercise

My classmate, not all two or three, they stay at home because the virus.

Two of my classmates stayed at home this week because of the virus.

Today, in our class we have a choose one people to be the leader.

Today in class, we had to vote for a new class president.

No, because if I be the leader I don’t have more time to do homework.

No, because if I am the leader, I won’t have time to do homework.

Just like every time, when we have the homework, they need to do

They need to do homework every time