Online Class Notes (Li)


symptom – a sign of an illness/disease

ex. If you get a cold you would experience several symptoms like having a fever, coughing, sneezing and so on.

parenting – the activity of raising a child as a parent

ex. Parenting can be hard.

city planner – someone who plans or is involved in the planning of a city

actualise – make sth (ex. a dream) come true

ex. I’m hoping that I can do well in actualising my dream.

sbd is responsible for sth/sbd – having a job/task/person that you need to take care of


I got sick – uncountable

I got a cold/flu/fever 

Speaking exercise

I get cold

I got a cold 

Even because of me some of the others around me get sick.

Some of my classmates got sick too because of me.

They just get a little bit uncomfortable from the sick.

They just felt slightly uncomfortable from the sickness. 

The bus would arrive 20 minutes apart. 

Before the 2020 years

Before 2020 

They not live near that school

They do not live near school

I create the park, the roads

Each person is responsible for a city