Online Class Notes (Li)


cease operation – stop working/running; shut down

ex. Some businesses ceased operation because of the lockdown.

therapist – a person who is trained to help people deal with mental/emotional problems

the workout is intensive – needing a lot of effort or work

or increase/decrease the intensity of the workout

protective gear/equipment – like clothes, masks, gloves

warmth – wen nuan

ex. Neighbours provided warmth for each other at times of difficulty.


resumed to work 

resumed work 

back on track

Speaking exercise

We had to stay at the home.

We had the stay at home.

Sometimes I try doing the cooking

Sometimes I tried cooking.

At that point, everything has stopped and company cannot run their business.

At that point, everything ceased operation and companies cannot run their businesses.

The quantity is not much harder.

The workout is not intensive.

You feel your energy enough.

You feel energised after the workout.

The way can help me to solve my problem

I have found the right ways to deal with my problem.