Online Class Notes (Li)


concerns – worries

ex. Do you have any concerns?

concerned of sth/sbd

ex. I’m concerned of the pandemic so I’m not going to the summer camp.

cancelled – no more

ex. Classes are cancelled this week.

flash forward one year later/two days later – moving forward

shy – when you act quiet and nervous around strangers

ex. Some kids are shy when they’re around large groups.

ex. I was shy on the first day of camp.

social distancing – to keep a distance from other people

ex. It is still necessary for us to practice social distancing in SH.

ex. When you line up to do the PCR test, you need to keep a social distance.

Speaking exercise

He couldn’t go to the summer camp because it was cancelled due to COVID-19. 

He gets the chance to meet new people and make lots of friends.