Online Class Notes (Li)


habit – things that you do regularly

formed/created – made

ex. How are habits formed?

quit a habit/doing sth – to not do it anymore


take a nap


if you don’t study, you will not get good grades

if you play computer games all day, your eyes will be bad.

*you is everyone in general 

Speaking exercise

Every day I must have a big breakfast.

I like read English books before I have breakfast.

I do my homework slowly sometimes.

I spend a lot of time on my homework.

We don’t have a lot of homework.

My parents can told me

My parents tell me

Read English books everyday

The teacher says too fast meaning and I don’t know the meaning.

The teacher speaks/talks too fast so I don’t know what he/she means 

Studying with friends can make us more nice.

Studying with friends is better/more effective.

My parents will tell me what can I do and what can’t I do.

My parents will tell me what I can do and what I can’t do/what’s good and what’s bad for me.

They can told me to that this is good for me.

They can tell me that this is good for me.