Online Class Notes (Li)


recommend – to say that something is good; to suggest that someone do something

ex. I highly recommend this book to you.

ex. Can you recommend any good movies to me?

exchange – when you give something to someone and they give you something in return

ex. We exchanged and ice-cream for deep-fried rice cake.

snacks cupboard/pantry – a place to store your snacks

spill – when drinks flow all over the place

ex. I hate because coke because it spilled all over me.

Speaking exercise

When we are holiday, teacher will give us many homework.

When we are on holiday, the teacher will give us lots of homework.

We went to the mountain and we take many photos.

We went to the mountain and we took many photos.

There is a girl, she is my friend.

There was a girl who is my friend.

I found what the mountain is name.

I forgot the name of the mountain.

We need to write a topic of you last year travel.

We need to write about “Your last year’s trip.” 

When there are no any people, maybe it will very quiet.

When there’s not many people it will be very quiet.

Let me remember

Let me think