Online Class Notes (Li)


certain – something is true or correct

ex. I’m certain of the answer to this question.

ex. She becomes very quiet when she isn’t certain of her answers.

peaceful – not fighting; quiet and calm

ex. My neighbours weren’t noisy today, so I had a peaceful morning.

naturally/1 – something that happens or is there by itself

ex. Fruits are naturally sweet.

ex. You can see rainbows in sky naturally, after it rains.

naturally/2 – something that is normal

ex. Naturally, I would wear my school uniform when I go to school.


a long time ago vs. for a long time

a long time ago – some time in the past

for a long time – how long

tread -> trod (past tense) 

shall (more formal/used in questions) = will

ex.Shall we have lunch?

ex. I shall see you tomorrow.

Speaking exercise

That is certain that everyone agrees.

It is certain that everyone agrees.

Now I just play the songs I like..

I just learn to play my favourite songs.


trod – tr-odd (like odd)

generally – gen-nah-ral-ly