Online Class Notes (Li)


makeshift hospital – a temporary hospital

ex. There aren’t enough space for more patients at the makeshift hospital.

not far from a (mental) breakdown/on the verge of a breakdown 

coincidence – a situation where events happen at the same time in a way that is not planned

ex. There were 3 Jessicas in my class by coincidence.

recovery – to get better after being sick

ex. Omicron’s recovery time is shorter than the previous variant.

please go ahead – you first

infection rate/rate of infection 

variant of a virus – version

ex. How many variants of COVID are there?

fluctuate – rise and fall

ex. The percentage of growth fluctuated between 2014-2018.

overlap – to have parts that are the same as parts of sth else

ex. Where do the points on the graph overlap?

ex.  The content in this course overlaps with what I was taught last year.


increases/surges/rises + adverb (slightly/moderately/rapidly) 

exposure – noun

exposed – verb/adj

ex. They need to run

Speaking exercise

We start on the Day 0 again.

We have to reset the time again.

We have to start from scratch/start all over again.

I think it’s five or sixth time.

It think it’s the fifth or sixth time already.


Apartment no. 1202 

201 went downstairs to do the COVID test and they became a close contact.

At the time of the test

Water boil

Boiled water 

The people exposure to the virus

People exposed to the virus.

People maybe have a 10-day got the virus.

It’s a 10-day incubation period.

I already a long time forgot how to express the trend

I have forgotten how to describe charts.

When people exposure to the Omicron..

When people are exposed to the virus..

Totally higher

Overall higher