Online Class Notes (Li)


allowance – pocket money

ex. Are you given an allowance?

ex. I don’t mind if my parents don’t give me an allowance.

manage money – knowing how to use money

ex. Learning how to manage money from a young age is very important.

spend money wisely – careful with how you spend money

when you’re young/from a young age 

think twice before you do sth – think carefully before taking action

cheat you out of your money – ex. give you less change


responsibility of someone

Speaking exercise

I don’t have any extra pieces of homework today.

I don’t have any (extra) homework today.

I’m not good at playing video games and I don’t have a lot of time for that.

I’m not good at playing video games and I don’t have a lot of time for them.

Just when I really really good.

Just when perform well/behave well.

I think when is a good time is when I am an adult.

I think a good time would be when I’m an adult.

When you’re an adult, you can pay for many things, like houses, cars like that and food.

You need to pay for many things like houses, cars and food when you’re older/an adult.

When I not really really like that

When I don’t really, really like it