Online Class Notes (Li)


conserve – to save, use less or protect the environment, energy and so on

ex. conserve energy/water/heat

petrol – ‘juice’ for the car

it’s good for the environment/it’s environmentally friendly  

sort out rubbish – put rubbish into groups

ex. You should learn how to sort out rubbish or you’ll get in trouble.

waste – rubbish; lang fei

ex. There’s a lot of waste on the streets.

ex. Don’t waste energy, learn to conserve!

reusable – can be used again

ex. This bottle is reusable.

family-size – the big one

ex. family-size snacks


you should – for giving advice

ex. You should ask the teacher for help if you don’t understand.

ex. You should turn off the TV.

take a bath/shower

Speaking exercise

The more homework will be only one.

I get one extra piece of homework three times a week.

You can ride a bicycle to Wilma’s home. When you let your mum to drive the car, it will use a lot of energy.

You can ride a bicycle to Wilma’s home. When you get your mum to drive you, you will waste a lot of petrol. 

And it can make you strong and healthy.

And it makes you strong and healthy/keeps you fit.

When you are paint some pictures, you can use the newspapers cannot be dirty. You will let the newspaper on the table and draw on newspaper.

When you are painting, you can put some newspapers underneath, so you will not paint on the table.

Turn off the tap while you’re brushing because you’re wasting water. 

The plastic bottle is hard to break.

Plastic doesn’t break down easily.


environment – en-vai-run-ment