Online Class Notes (Li)


topple an idea- overthrow /push over dian fu

sbd is a failure – lack of success

shortcut – jie jing

unemployment rate – percentage of jobless people


voice is soft – not very loud

post a job ad online – to put somewhere

Speaking exercise

Like me, works very hard and busy, not very efficient.

Like myself, I am very busy and I work very hard, but I’m not very efficient.

If you still do a lot of things by yourself, one day if you age go to 50 years old…

If you still do everything by yourself/on your own, then one day, when you’re 50….

From my opinion

In my opinion/From my point-of-view  

Follow my thinking

Follow my heart 

You need to enough money or continue income to keep a normal life.

You need to enough income/a stable cashflow to maintain your standard of living.

If you can’t do something very well, people will instead of you.

If you can’t do something well enough, people will easily replace you.

Contact them a little a little

Contact them bit by bit/Gradually increase contact