Online Class Notes (Li)


pregnant – to find out that you’re carrying a baby

give birth – when the baby is born

Wilbur’s life is spared – to not get hurt or killed


come vs. go

*watch out for the direction

come – you’re at A, you’re telling someone to come/you are the speaker

ex. “Come to the fair with me!”

ex. I came back last week from Beijing.

go – from A-B/you’re telling someone to go somewhere

ex. “Let’s go to the park together!”

ex. I will go with you to watch a film.

Speaking exercise

Mr Zuckerman take Wilbur to attend the fair. Charlotte also come with him to the fair.

Mr Zuckerman takes Wilbur to attend the fair. Charlotte also goes with him to the fair.

Charlotte has baby.

Charlotte finds out that she’s pregnant.

The total is 22 chapters.

In total there are 22 chapters.


pregnant – preg-nant