Online Class Notes (Joe)

Today we focused on:

In today’s class we talked about your brother’s visit and the fatigue of long trips.


dawn – another word for sunrise
I got up before dawn to take pictures

dusk – another word for sunset
I worked from dawn til dusk

tired – the feeling a person gets
I was tired after the long trip

tripod – the thing with three feet a camera stands on
Carrying a heavy tripod and camera is tiring

lens – the part of the camera with the glass (also the glass in glasses)
The camera has a long lens

poverty – the condition of being very poor
I don’t want to go there because there is too much poverty

tiring – the characterstic of something or someone that makes you feel tired
The long trip was tiring


scenery – starts with an /s/ sound

decision – the ‘c’ is pronounced as an /s/


play with – someone / something
Dodo played with some toys

play – music / games / sport
We played iPhone games and then I played piano