Online Class Notes (Joe)

Today we focused on:

In today’s class, we shared anecdotes. You told me about your cat and dog getting sick at the same time.


Write an anecdote that you could tell at a party.


I went to a bakery to bought some bread
I went to a bakery to buy some bread

I went together with them
I went with them
We went together


bakery beɪkəri

raise reɪz

leave liːv (longer vowel sound)


ordinary and normal
Ordinary means “not special”.
Normal means “not strange”.
Imagine your Mum has cooked some soup, but she thinks something about it tastes wrong. She asks, “Is it OK?”.
You answer, “The soup tastes normal” (the soup doesn’t taste strange).
However, if you go to a restaurant and your husband says, “I think this soup is amazing!”. You might answer,
“Actually, I think the soup tastes ordinary” (the soup isn’t special, it’s just the same as a million other soups).

to raise animals = to help animals grow for a specific purpose
e.g. raise chickens for eggs, raise sheep for wool, raise pigs for meat

to have animals = to keep an animal as a pet
e.g. have a dog/cat

take someone/something to a place = go together
I took my son to school

send someone/seomthing to a place = not go together
I sent my friend to buy some juice at the shop