Online Class Notes (Joe)


earthquake  – terremoto
There was an earthquake

See / Saw / Seen

read / read / read (verb 2 and 3 sound like the color red)

ride / rode / ridden

take / took / taken

How would you like your employer to be? (this sentence is not natural)
What do you expect from your employer? (this is more natural)


worked – use the same vowel from the beginning of ‘America’


since is generally used in 3 ways

  1. or time: Use “since” to talk about when something started and continues until now.
    • Example: I’ve lived here since 2010.
  2. For reason: Use “since” to give a reason for something.
    • Example: Since it’s raining, we’ll stay indoors.
  3. For both time and reason: You can combine both uses.
    • Example: She’s been happy since she met her best friend.